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Curry Package cass-analysis

cass-analysis - Base libraries and implementation of program analyses for CASS

This directory contains the implementation of various program analyses which can be used with CASS (the Curry Analysis Server System), available in the package cass.

To use an analysis in CASS, it needs to be registered (see the constant registeredAnalysis in module CASS.Registry of package cass). The possible types of analyses to be registered are defined in module Analysis.Types. The analyses types are parametric w.r.t. the domain of abstract values. In order to compare values (e.g., to check whether a fixpoint is reached) or to persistently store analyses results (to support an incremental modular analysis), the type of analysis values must be instances of the classes Eq, Read, Show, and ReadWrite. The latter class is required to support a compact and faster processing of data.

Whereas instances of Eq, Read, and Show can be automatically derived (via a deriving annotation in the type definition), instances of ReadWrite can be generated by the tool curry-rw-data. This tool is available as a Curry package and can be installed by

> cypm install rw-data-generator

Then, ReadWrite instances of all data types defined in module Mod can be generated by the command

> curry-rw-data Mod

This generates a new module ModRW containing the instance definitions. To use these in CASS, it is reasonable to put these instances into the module implementing the analysis. See module Analysis.Deterministic for an example for this strucutre.

Technical details

The ideas behind the construction of various program analyses can be found in this paper:

M. Hanus, F. Skrlac: A Modular and Generic Analysis Server System for Functional Logic Programs, ACM SIGPLAN 2014 Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM’14), ACM Press, pp. 181-188, 2014


Checkout with CPM:
cypm checkout cass-analysis 4.0.0
Package source:
cass-analysis-4.0.0.tar.gz [browse]
Source repository: